Czech Republic
Tipping has become more common on the popular cities of Czech Republic. In most cases it is expected to tip, however its not always the case. We are still in Europe so don’t expect to have to tip 15-20% every time! Use our guide below to learn where to tip and when.



Taxis Taxis: Rounding up is expected. This should equal about 5%.


Hotels Hotels: You should tip the bell boy about 20 crown. If the hotel maids are good you should tip them about the same a night.


Restaurants Restaurants: Unless the bill states that tip is included you should expect to tip 10%. When a waiter or waitress comes to your table you must tell them how much you wish to pay and not leave the change on the table.


Bars Bars: Similar to restaurants, you should expect to tip about 10%. Let the staff know how much you are paying in total when you pay. Don’t just leave the change on the table.


Other Other: Outside the major cities you aren’t expected to tip much. In fact you might get looks if you tip in the country side. The locals aren’t expected to tip also, its really only the tourists. Something you should think about, don’t just feel the need to tip because you have to. If you are going to tip it should be for good service only!